How to pick a consultant for your nonprofit

Whether you’re working on growing your donor base or are in need of ways to refresh your tried-and-true tactics and strengthen your board, a nonprofit consultant can be the objective perspective you need to enhance your nonprofit’s strategy across the board (and achieve goals that might ordinarily be out of reach).

With the help of a professional consultant, there’s no limit to what your organization can accomplish.

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Polly Knelsen
How to do Mother’s Day without Mom

So, I’m not a big fan of Mother’s Day anymore. Mind you, I used to be! I used to start thinking about how to honor and bless and love on my mom months in advance of this special day, and there was no one that experienced more joy in receiving love (and gifts) than my mom! Then she died.

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Polly Knelsen
The Enneagram

The Enneagram seems to be everywhere. Books. Podcasts, Workshops, Online Courses. So, why haven’t you heard about it yet you ask? Well, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of the Enneagram! This is a fun journey of self-discovery; it’s also humbling and growing in the very best way.

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